August 28, 2008 10:57 AM

Want to meet Spidey IRL?

[caption id="attachment_806" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="The closest most of us will get to meeting Tobey Maguire"]The closest most of us will get to saying hi to Tobey Maguire[/caption]Currently on ebay there's an auction for a chance to visit the set of Spiderman 4. There's not been a confirmation that the 4th film is actually going to be made but I guess they'd kind of have to admit to it after someone wins this auction. They can't really just refund them and be like "just kidding!" Besides getting to see the set, you and your guest also get to meet the cast and talk with them for an hour. The winner her/himself gets an actual role in the movie. (I would have to guess that it's a role similar to that of Stan Lee in all of the Spidey films.) Oh you also get to go to the New York premiere and walk the red carpet with your guest wearing designer outfits. That's pretty cool.

You should make sure you're 18 though because otherwise you have to be accompanied by a legal guardian. Chances of someone under that age having over $5,000 (since that's what the auction is up to right now) is gonna be slim unless their parents bid for them anyways. Oh also everything is determined by Sony Pictures, just in case you missed that when you looked at the site lol. So if you want to spend a bunch of money on a vacation you don't know when you'll be taking or where specifically it will be, go ahead and bid. I would if I had that kinda money just laying around but alas I don't. Sorry Christine you'll have to wait for your super cool birthday/christmas present until another time ;) .

Speaking of Spiderman 4, I hope Tobey Maguire signs on for it. I know he hurt his back and all but there are stunts doubles out there. I realize it's not as cool if you don't do your own stunts but Tobey is pretty good at being the dorky Peter Parker. Also, I saw Tropic Thunder last night and if you really want to see Tobey Maguire playing a funny role you should check out the fake trailer with him and Robert Downey Jr. I'll try to post it later if I can find a good quality video.

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