August 11, 2008 12:55 PM

Fruit Salted Plum Suckers

Looking at Thinkgeek today I saw that they had a new product out called Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets. If you eat one of these they're supposed to make sour things taste sweet. Personally I dunno if I'd want to trip out my taste buds like that. Also, they're not supposed to have any "harmful" side effects. It's recommended to dissolve half of a tablet on your tongue but if you suck on the whole tablet the sour-sweet change is stronger. They're pretty expensive since they cost $19.99. It's candy people!

After seeing these candies I decided to look up weird foods and found a few worth sharing. First, Seagull wine, take a guess what it is. "Put a seagull in a bottle. Fill with water. Let it ferment in the sun." - Baby Mouse wine is similar. "Basically a rice wine bottle full of baby mice," - Except it's supposed to taste like gasoline. Just what I want to drink gasoline yum.

Scotland has a drink called Irn Bru which I've actually tasted. It tastes exactly like pink bubblegum despite it's bright orange color. Apparently there's an indoor fair dedicated to it as well. It looks like fun actually.
Edit: [Irn Bru is sold in the US but I think it's in limited locations. Also if word got out that it's made from 32 fruit flavors I think Dr. Pepper would be in trouble with it's 23.]

In my hunt I found more interesting suckers. They're called Fruit Salted Plum Suckers. They're coated with a brine salt layer on the outside with a salted chunk of plum (a.k.a. Sabroso) on the inside. I've read that the plum is only in the large plum suckers whereas the smaller ones have the plum plastered to the backside. Either way it sounds absolutely disgusting to me :).

I'd much rather have one of these strawberry flamingo suckers :D.
[Edit: Recently these flamingo suckers have been removed from the site :( .]

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