I'm going to start my own little rumor today. I'll pet it and feed it and take care of it lol. Anyways with all of the rumor mongering going on about Batman 3, I'd like to propose some people that I think should show up in the next Batman. First of all I'd really like to see Harley Quinn show up. The first person I thought of that could play her was Natalie Portman. I'd like to see her go a little crazy, more so than she did in V for Vendetta at least. I think it would definitely be a challenge for her seeing as how so many people see her as that happy little girl even though she's 27 now. I could see Natalie working at the Arkham Asylum and either feeling sympathy for the Joker or being tricked into letting him out. Supposedly they shot enough film of Heath Ledger to have the Joker in the 3rd film so who knows. You can do a lot with computer graphics now. Speaking of which, I'd love to see a Nolanverse rendition of Harley's outfit. It would definitely have to be slinky and it needs the cute joker hat I think. The makeup should be updated too. If my computer was working, maybe I'd try to make something with Photoshop but alas, it's not. Oh and a warning for anyone who tries to look up pictures of Harley, do not google image search harlequin. Just trust me on this :( .
I was reading a cool blog yesterday and realized that I too would love to see Robin in the next film. There's also a very cool drawing of a Robin suit on there that you should check out. (You should definitely read the full article because it's got some good plot ideas.) He needs to be played by someone fairly young, at least young enough so he looks younger than Christian Bale (hopefully Nolan is smart enough not to repeat The Mummy 3's mistake geez :P ). He should definitely be a teenager so Batman can mentor him (he shouldn't be like 10 because that would make Christian Bale seem a little creepy lol). He should have to make the transformation to Robin like how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman in the first film. Also, Robin should be buff enough (If Tobey Maguire can do it, so can you!) to be a gymnast since he used to be one before his parents were killed.Robin's suit needs to be redesigned too because he can't be that stealthy in a bright red costume with a green cape. Also, I don't want any more nipple suits like in Batman and Robin (thankfully the good people at Topless Robot remember and agree with me). I'd like the design of Robin's costume to be more similar to Nightwing's outfit in build but obviously not blue (that and he's not allowed to have a mullet like I've seen some Nightwings have *shudder*). It should be a dark red similar to the Batman and Robin outfit. If they're smart they would use the design of Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond to go off of. He's smaller than Batman and the Batsuit looks really cool on him with the red bat logo. It could easily be modified to be Robin's new outfit. Also going along with that, Batman Beyond would be a great story to use in introducing Robin. They both have similar ways of meeting Batman except for the fact that not both of Terry's parents were killed. I also think this would be a great way to end the Batman series in the future. Start out with Batman being old and retiring. It would be a great movie in my opinion.
Seeing all those criteria I listed for Robin, I can't think of an actor that quite fits yet. Also Shia Labeouf can't be Robin!. I hope nobody gets that idea in their head because although he can be anxsty, that is not all it takes to be a dark Robin. Also, I could never see him and Christian Bale hanging out. It would just make me laugh too much. That's all for my current theories about the next Batman movie.
September 10, 2008 11:49 AM
My own little rumor
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