Due to the fact that Fox's films sucked so bad this summer, they are thinking about either doing more X-men related movies or having another Daredevil film. I hope they don't do another Daredevil film because the first one was cheesey enough. Please hire some good directors and writers Fox. Also, stop killing off all of the X-men in your movies. Just a thought here, but maybe just maybe, people don't like it when their favorite characters die! Seriously, Cyclops was a commonly loved character and there was no reason for him to die off so easily. If they were gonna have the Phoenix kill him, why not have it in the end of the movie? You already paid James Marsden, why not keep him around for a little bit longer? Atleast they brought back Scott in the Wolverine movie. It says that he is being played by Tim Pocock instead.
Apparently Gambit is showing up in the Wolverine movie too. He's being played by Taylor Kitsch. It's sad when the guy who played Cyclops is more rugged looking than the guy who plays Gambit :( (Gambit was rugged when he was like 12 come on people! lol). I think whenever the next superhero movie is made, the producers should just go hire a group of 10 nerds to help out the writers or at least piss them off lol.Oh but the good news from Fox is that apparently Deadpool is going to show up in the coming Wolverine movie. The Wolverine spot is just an introduction though. Fox plans on making its very own Deadpool movie. The bad news is that he's being played by Ryan Renolds. Now, I like Ryan Reynolds. I think he's a funny guy (I guess he could play the goofy side of Deadpool). I just don't think he can pull off the full badassery that is Deadpool. I honestly couldn't see him killing anyone, much less without caring about it. Also, he'd better bulk up because Deadpool isn't a scrawny guy. He needs to be big enough to beat the crap out of people easily. I guess we'll find out what he can do in the Wolverine movie. I hope he ends up kicking Wolverine's ass before they buddy up because we all know Wolverine can't defeat anyone alone :P . Fox should hopefully let the reviews from Wolverine come in before hiring on Ryan for the actual Deadpool movie. That would be the smart thing to do but hey why would they do a thing like that?
September 11, 2008 11:43 AM
Deadpool is gonna shank you!
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