People magazine is calling Jessica Alba's new ad for registering to vote "shocking" (maybe that's just because every other voting ad is boring :P ). They're saying that it looks like Alba is being restrained by bondage gear in these pictures (even though Christina Aguilera's picture shows her with a laced up mouth). Personally, it looks like black tape to me. I don't find that as too "shocking" (especially because people have seen more nudity from her at awards shows). Maybe People magazine needs to get their heads out of the gutter. Apparently they turn to that straight away when there's the tiniest bit of nudity involved (even though you can't see anything but her shoulders and barely any chest). Besides if you look at all of the other pictures of actors and actresses supporting the campaign this ad looks tame in comparison. Seriously this fish hooks picture is really gross. Oh, but getting back to the point, the campaign is called Declare Yourself, and I think it's cool that Jessica is encouraging people to vote (even if it involves wearing nothing but black tape :D ).
September 12, 2008 12:21 PM
Uhm, what's your definition of shocking?
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