10 years later and it’s finally happening (True it was only 7 years for us in America but it was 10 for Japan). There’s going to be a Cowboy Bebop live action movie. This is really awesome and it makes me feel really old that I remember watching it 7 years ago. The animated movie was great so I hope that director Erwin Stoff does a good job. Otherwise he’s gonna have a lot of people that hate him.
The movie was literally just signed so it’s in the very early stages of production. I can’t wait to see who they pick for the actors, especially for Ed. They had also better get a good doggie actor for Ein. Some normal dumb dog just isn’t gonna cut it.I was thinking of who they would use to play Spike but I haven’t figured out who I’d like it to be yet. Definitely needs to have that silly but still a badass attitude.
Faye has definitely got to be a whore that can shoot a gun but I really hope they don’t pick Angelina Jolie just because of her roles in things like Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Wanted (Even though supposedly it was good, but I haven’t seen it). It popped into my mind that maybe George Clooney could do Jet, lol but I dunno how big of a budget this movie is gonna have.
I also hope that the movie is rated R because I don’t think they could really get into all of the goodness that is Cowboy Bebop without it being that high. Also I don’t want stupid little kids who stay up past their bed time to watch it in the theater with me lol.
July 24, 2008 12:10 PM
Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code!
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