July 19, 2008 12:14 AM

Dunna dunna dunna dunna BATMAN!!!

Edit:  I'd like to ask all of you who are finding this on search engines.  What search engine do you use?

Post it in the comments...thanks :D

In honor of Batman The Dark Knight coming out today...I'm gonna post some stuff about my favorite Batman show, Batman Beyond. The Dark Knight was an amazing movie, even though it was preempted by a preview for some dorky DC thing called Watchmen.
Batman vs. Spiderwoman
Uhm here is Terry...(the successor to Batman sometime in the future) fighting Spiderwoman.

Here he is again fighting some electrodude [Edit:  Actually Derek Powers, not electric but radioactive and the man responsible for killing Terry's father.  I was rewatching the series and realized this.]. It's a cool looking pic though.

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