On Tuesday a photo showed up in the Gawker. The monster is very odd looking and a lot of people claim it to be photoshopped. There's also a lot of "eyewitnesses" though and supposedly an old man took it off the beach to mount it on his wall. The tipster that sent it in to the Gawker in the first place was a viral marketer but she says it has nothing to do with any campaign.
It was rumored that this was part of the advertising for a new show on cartoon network called Cryptids Are Real. There are also rumors that it was a washed up experiment from an animal-disease research facility on Plum island which is right offshore from Montauk.
Either way this thing is pretty freaky looking and I wouldn't put it past companies to make up a fake creature and have some actors to pretend they witnessed it. If it is some diseased animal though, it's pretty freaky. I wouldn't want to have a dog or turtle with that disease. Imagine getting bit with that beak!
Edit: Every time I tried to post this pic for awhile it kept breaking...freaky.
I also found out that an energy drink company called venom is offering a reward for anyone who can capture a "Monty".
Also here's a video from Fox claiming that it's not real with Jeff Corwin for support. Lots of people say he looks scared and I agree that he's stuttering a lot for someone who's on tv all the time. They say that there's a government official there with a gun forcing him to talk.
Check out the update to this article here.
July 31, 2008 3:03 PM
Montauk Monster=Half dog half turtle?
12:19 PM
I always wanted to live forever...jk
Some biochemists in California think that within 10 years they'll be able to use nanotechnology to put enzymes in water. CoQ10 is an enzyme that our body naturally produces but slowly decreases its production with age.
And yet it's vital for the body's basic functioning, as it helps our cells convert sugars to energy.-io9.com
These biochemists hope that by getting more of this enzyme as well as other vitamins, the average human life expectancy can increase greatly since organs should stay more productive. They're comparing it to putting iodine in salt in the 1920's.
I'd just like to point out that Californians get everything first. First it was Pinkberry, then the new Honda FCX Clarity, and now water that makes you live longer? Come on lol. Anyways some of the people that commented on this article I read made very good points. I think I'll list a few just because I find them entertaining and you can check out the rest for yourself by reading the full article.
1. "Tag this: 'whatcouldpossiblygowrong?'."
2. "It's people! CoQ10 is made of people!!!"
3. "Isn't this how at least one zombie film started?"
4. "So you start putting a nutrient that your body creates anyway into the drinking water. Your body senses it has enough Coq10 and stops natural production. Boom. Your now an addict."
5. "Forget nanotechnology. Lets bioengineer a new species of tapeworm that lives in your gut, stops growing after it reaches a preset length, and produces all the vitamins and enzymes that we don't normally, as long as it gets a steady diet of fats and proteins.
I mean, worst case scenario, it evolves sentience, wraps itself around your brainstem, and makes you talk in a reverb-heavy voice. I could live with that.
Welcome to the Hotel California! You can check out any time you like, but you cant ever leave."
10:09 AM
I hope he's a cool looking dragon.
The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is coming out tomorrow. It’s still starring Brendan Fraser as Rick O’Connell but this time his wife, Evelyn O’Connell is being played by Maria Bello. According to imdb “Rachel Weisz announced that she will not be reprising her role of Evelyn due to different interests with the screenplay.” That’s sad because I really liked Rachel’s role in the films and personally I think this new actress is ugly and not Egyptian-looking like Rachel Weisz. Also, John Hannah is still playing Jonathan Carnahan.
In this movie Alex O’Connell (Rick & Evelyn’s son) is supposedly only 2 years older than he was in the 2nd mummy movie but from the looks of the actor, he is around 20. (He's actually 27 :P what a dumb choice of a son for Brendan Fraser.) Alex is played by Luke Ford.
The plot of this movie seems like they just stole the old 2 and wanted to make it Asian-themed seeing as how the Dragon Emperor was double crossed by a sorceress to spend eternity in suspended animation. I mean if you think about it, in the 1st movie the mummy was being the traitor by loving the king’s plaything and then he killed himself when he got caught and then in the 2nd movie Anck Su Namun backstabbed him when she could have possibly died. In both situations he was “died” for a woman he loved which is why I’m betting that there was a love interest between the Emperor and the Sorceress.
The plot follows the same basic line as the first 2 obviously since a mummy rises up and then you have to kill him. But it’s not like you can just have the mummy kill Brendan Frasier and be like ok everyone you can go home now ;).
July 30, 2008 4:00 PM
The Band of Seven
10:49 AM
Ron Looks silly in a Quidditch Helmet
So there’s a really cool Harry Potter fan site called Mugglenet. It has lots of news on the movies and it had news on the book details back before they were released. For some reason it also has lots of hatred from LOTR fans even though the writer of the site loves LOTR. I just find some of the things the people say on the site to be hilarious because of their own stupidity. There’s a Wall of Shame on the site and it’s worth a read if you haven’t seen it before.
Also in honor of the trailer for Harry Potter 6 coming out last night I’m gonna post some cool pics from the upcoming movie. Enjoy.
The title of this post says it all. Also why do both Ron and that girl both have #2 on their Quidditch outfits?
I'm guessing this is the new minister Rufus Scrimgeour telling Harry he wants to be "pals".
What an emo shot of Harry!
This picture just makes me laugh remembering those Valentines chocolates. Then again there was that whole Ron getting poisoned after it... way to tense up the situation Rowling haha.
Oooh a fun look at new potions.
July 29, 2008 9:15 PM
Harry Potter 6 Trailer ftw!
10:43 AM
Omg Harry Potter 6 Trailer is here today!
The Harry Potter 6 trailer is supposed to be online today. I’ll hunt for it later since I can’t now but there’s other exciting news. There’s a picture of the young Tom Riddle out now and he is being played by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin which is actually the nephew of Ralph Fiennes who plays Voldemort in the films. That’s pretty cool, I mean wouldn’t you love your uncle forever if he got you that kind of gig? He’s a cute little kid but he also has that “I’m evil” look in his eyes. I guess you could find that in any 10-year-old if you tried hard enough though lol.
Anyways there’s also a picture of Dumbledore that’s been released. As you can see he’s fighting with some fire spell which is probably being used against the Inferi. Yay Dumbledore kicking some ass! Haha I’ve been disappointed with the 2nd pick for Dumbledore ever since the first one died. I always thought they should’ve used Sir Ian McKellen since he’s that happy old guy that reminds me exactly of what Dumbledore should be. Back to what I was saying, I hope the current Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) does his character well in the fight scene at the end of the movie.
I will definitely keep an eye out for the trailer today and be sure to post it ASAP. Oh and make sure you go see the new Mummy 3 this weekend because it’s supposed to have the trailer as well :D.
Edit: Here's the link for the trailer.
8:15 AM
Ever wondered what Batman's car would look like if it could Transform? Well apparently someone else wanted to know too because they made this. I really like it and I must agree with Ericka that it's face does look similar to Silverbolt's. If anything though I would have to say the face is a cross between Tigertron and Silverbolt. I also really like it how they have all the specs and how tall he is right next to him. It puts some perspective on the fact that he's huge! lol
July 28, 2008 3:03 PM
Who wants some lavender toothpaste?
I found this site called Breath Palette that sells odd flavors of dental hygiene items. There are 18 flavors of toothpaste alone. I think I'd try the strawberry or the fuji apple flavor but definitely not the monkey banana or cola :P. They also have a flavor 0 that is pH-balancing that chefs use to cleanse their palates.
One of the other things they have available is a smoothie mouthwash to go. How cool is that? I'd love it if my mouthwash tasted like a smoothie :D. They also have zen water mouthwash and a sweet tooth toothpaste. I kinda wonder if this stuff doesn't give you cavities instead of helping to remove them. But if it does work I'd love to use it. If you were wondering whether your mouth still smells like the flavor afterwards, it doesn't because they're all made with menthol to leave your breath fresh and clean.
10:49 AM
Search Engines are Cuil now
There's a really interesting new search engine made by Anna Patterson who quit Google in 2006. She plans to keep the technology secret instead of selling it this time. The name of the search engine is Cuil and it's pronounced "cool" if you already didn't figure that out.
For starters, Cuil's search index spans 120 billion Web pages.
3 years ago Google only indexed 8.2 billion Web pages. Anna believes that currently Cuil's index is at least 3 times the size of Google's current one.

If you check out Cuil yourself you can see the unique way it displays web page searches. It's really cool and currently I'm looking to see if they have an images only option similar to Google.
9:27 AM
Speaking of Transformers
I thought that Shia LaBeouf wouldn’t be that stupid at least. He was drunk-driving at around 3 a.m. on Sunday and hit a car hard enough for Shia’s truck to rollover. He ended up having to have hand surgery and he had injuries to his head and knee as well. That seems kind of stupid when I’m sure he has enough money to get somebody to drive him home. Apparently there was a girl in Shia’s car so she possibly could’ve driven but was probably drunk too.
(At least he looks happy enough to seem like he's not hurt that much.)
Due to his injuries Transformers 2 is being pushed back since it was right in the middle of filming :(. Maybe this is Shia’s way of saying he’s not a Disney kid anymore lol. I dunno but it urks me when celebrities do stupid stuff that can be easily avoided. I guess we’ll just have to wait a little longer for Transformers 2 :P.
Edit: Apparently Isabel Lucas was the girl in the car with Shia. She's rumored to be playing a girl named Alice in the new Transformers movie.
July 27, 2008 5:05 PM
Bacon in Lollipops?
There's a new online store called Lollyphile and they sell interesting and unique lollipops as they would put it. Currently the 2 flavors they have on sale are Absinthe and Maple-Bacon. Both are very strange flavors to have in a lollipop but I guess that's the whole point of their business. I'd like to keep watching this site and see what other flavors they come out with. But they're kind've expensive atm so I hope they get enough business to lower their prices :D.
Anyways check out Lollyphile today.
July 26, 2008 11:01 PM
Spore rocks my socks
I've been playing with the spore creature creator and it's really really entertaining. I mean you get a free trial to mess around and create things before the game comes out that you can use later. It's a really great idea if you ask me :). I made a few creatures myself to play with and yes there are only a limited supply of starting parts but it's free so deal with it! I wouldn't shell out the $10 beforehand anyways. What's the point if you just pay for it later and you can't use the critters until then?
Anyways this little guys name is Saucenar :). Here's a few shots of him doing stuff.
On the left he's singing and on the right he's being angers...grr!
This one's name is Peggles hehe.
On the left he's punching and on the right he's dancing.
If you haven't figured it out from the pictures, once you make them you can do a test drive of them. Run them around, make them angry, sad, scared, or just dance. The game is expected to come out September 7, 2008 but who knows if it will get pushed back more. I have high hopes for this game to be just as addicting if not more than Sims. But I highly recommend the free trial if you haven't played with it yet.
For a closer look at these guys you can go to the Sporepedia to see mine or other peoples creations. Careful there maybe adult content spore critters lol ;).
3:44 PM
Buzz and Woody are back!
So there's a bunch of new Pixar movies coming out in the next 3 years including a new Toy Story movie. First the 2 prior Toy Stories are gonna come out in 3-D and then the new Toy Story 3 will be out June 18th, 2010. The 3-D movies are coming out October 2nd, 2009 and February 12th, 2010. Toy Story 3 is supposed to be when Andy is going off to college. It used to be about a toy recall on Buzz Lightyears but that script got shelved when Circle 7 was shutdown after Pixar was put in charge of all Disney Animation. Also Pixar has a Cars 2 coming out which is ok but I didn't enjoy the first one that much.
In terms of new movies there's one called Up coming out May 29th 2009. It's supposed to be about an old man who used to explore the world but is now too old. He meets an 8-year old boy that loves to explore and you can imagine the plot from there :).
In summer 2011 there's another new movie coming out called Newt. It's about the 2 last blue-footed newts on the planet. They're forced together to try and save the species but they really hate each other. Should be pretty funny when it comes out.Finally, Pixar is coming out with a fairytale. That should make for an amazing movie. It's called the Bear and the Bow and it's about a girl that's part of a royal family that would rather be an archer instead. Her mother disagrees with this decision whole-heartedly, shocker :). This puts the whole kingdom into great peril. I'm really excited to see this and I can't believe Pixar hasn't done a fairytale before considering all the cool stuff they could do in CG. Btw it's coming out Christmas 2011.
Disney also has a movie coming out Christmas 2010 which I believe is also being made by Pixar. It's Rapunzel and the character looks really cute :).
July 25, 2008 8:58 AM
Wait... what the?
Have you ever just clicked through imdb to see the odd movies and tv shows that actors have played in? Well that’s what I was doing and I’ve come up with a pretty good list. Some of the titles are just enough to make you laugh.
The Calcium Kid (2004)-Orlando Bloom as Jimmy Connelly
This isn't even that old but I've never heard of it lol. It looks like an 80's move from the picture.
Walker Texas Ranger episode “The Prodigal Son” (1994)- Tobey Maguire as Duane Parsons
No Dessert, Dad, Till You Mow the Lawn (1994)- James Marsden as Tyler Cochran
What a stupid sounding movie! Definitely check this link out but the picture is small so look close at the emo teenager, that's him. :)
Amistad (1997)- Anna Paquin as Queen Isabella II
I think it's funny how she still looks exactly the same.
Thunderpants (2002)- Rupert Grint as Alan A. Allen and rumored Keira Knightley as a music school student
Pocahontas (1997)- Christian Bale as Thomas
He plays such a happy guy in this movie but he's so emo now!
The Adventures of Tom Thumb & Thumbelina
(2002)- Elijah Wood as Tom Thumb
It amazes me how Elijah can be so creepy in Sin City and so happy in LOTR.
July 24, 2008 12:10 PM
Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code!
10 years later and it’s finally happening (True it was only 7 years for us in America but it was 10 for Japan). There’s going to be a Cowboy Bebop live action movie. This is really awesome and it makes me feel really old that I remember watching it 7 years ago. The animated movie was great so I hope that director Erwin Stoff does a good job. Otherwise he’s gonna have a lot of people that hate him.
The movie was literally just signed so it’s in the very early stages of production. I can’t wait to see who they pick for the actors, especially for Ed. They had also better get a good doggie actor for Ein. Some normal dumb dog just isn’t gonna cut it.I was thinking of who they would use to play Spike but I haven’t figured out who I’d like it to be yet. Definitely needs to have that silly but still a badass attitude.
Faye has definitely got to be a whore that can shoot a gun but I really hope they don’t pick Angelina Jolie just because of her roles in things like Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Wanted (Even though supposedly it was good, but I haven’t seen it). It popped into my mind that maybe George Clooney could do Jet, lol but I dunno how big of a budget this movie is gonna have.
I also hope that the movie is rated R because I don’t think they could really get into all of the goodness that is Cowboy Bebop without it being that high. Also I don’t want stupid little kids who stay up past their bed time to watch it in the theater with me lol.
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July 23, 2008 6:43 PM
What do Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America all have in common?
So I was thinking about that Watchmen movie coming out and I was like when’s Marvel gonna have their next movie? Aha look what I found! It appears that an Iron Man 2 is already in the making (what a creative title lol). It’s supposed to be coming out on April 30, 2010. So it’s still awhile off but I’m definitely looking forward to it.
Thor is supposed to be coming out slightly later in the year. According to Wikipedia Stan Lee made Thor shortly after creating the Hulk in the hopes of making a stronger super hero seeing as how he was a god instead of a human. I think it’s cooler when super heroes actually have skills versus brute strength though:).
Captain America is coming out in 2011. Now by adding the Hulk, let’s think, what do all 4 of these super heroes have in common? They’re all members of the Avengers. I’m positive that will be Marvel’s response to the Watchmen. This also makes a lot of sense seeing as how the list of new Avengers includes Spiderman and Wolverine. I mean Wolverine is getting his own movie with a date set for May 1, 2009. It’s going to be a very big build-up before Avengers which I’m betting will make it more popular than the Dark Knight. But that’s just me.
Anyways I'd just like to thank you guys for making today have more than 100 views! :D
1:40 PM
So I found this adorable kitten named Memebon on Cute Overload today. Too bad Meme's site is in all Japanese and I can’t read a word! It wouldn’t be a problem if I could just get the translator site to work but alas. If you go to Memebon’s site, you can see her mom (The one that looks just like her) and her dad (The orange cat that is still super cute). Memebon’s owner writes a blog about her life and she actually has 2 books selling on Amazon right now. The books aren’t even $15 and if you buy them from Amazon you get free super saver shipping:). That’s a good deal for a book full of adorableness. Anyways Memebon is grown-up now but she’s still cute and fuzzy.
July 22, 2008 7:12 PM
Yay I'm a pink scooter!
So Transformers 2 is called Revenge of the Fallen and it's predicted to come out June 26, 2009. Pretty cool title I guess but really the only ones that "fell" were Jazz and Megatron and other nameless Decepticons. I really hope that Starscream comes back to be his usual double-agent self.
There's supposed to be a lot more Transformers this time which is awesome. I get sick and tired of listening to those dumb army guys in the first one. I'd much rather have the whole movie with Transformers constantly duking it out. But I'm pretty sure Arcee is a confirmed transformer for this movie seeing as how it was rumored that she would be in the last one. Also it'd be my best guess that Hot Rod is going to be in this movie. Especially cuz Michael Bay said that he had to try and make Bumblebee less popular when Hot Rod was mentioned. I mean you kinda need that young hard-headed character lol.
Just because I love him. Here's a pic of Transmetal Cheetor!
2:30 PM
Holy attention seeking whore Batman!
So Christian Bale got arrested for abusing his mother and sister. Tsk tsk Dark Knight. He was released on bail sometime today. But, the police didn't even put him in jail until sometime after the London premier of Batman on Monday night. He told people on that red carpet that being in a bat suit was so ridiculous that in order to stop himself from laughing he had to get into a dark state. Uhm hello? Isn't that what everyone said Heath Ledger did to play the Joker? Seriously, I think someone is missing some of his usual attention. Very un-batmanlike of you sir.
Look at that emo kid.
10:54 AM
Summer "Yum"
So last night I found out that one of my cats doesn’t like peanut butter ice cream and ones does. Go figure. It was ok ice cream but not as good as other flavors. Anyways I found these somewhat gross flavors today. There are some really odd ones in this list so check it out.
Some of my favorites the creepiest ones are:
Squid Ink (Uhm ok?)
Charcoal (Ugh this is like instant lung cancer lol)
Pineapple Shrimp (Come on….seriously)
Peanuts and Wine
Natural Viagra (I dunno if it’s just flavored or what but either way it’s scary)
Dracula Cool Garlic Mint (In case you have vampires after you and still want fresh breath)
Soy Sauce (Actually I might have to try it for fun)
Silk (It’s really made of silk, how strange)
Lettuce and Potato (Eww it’s like potato salad ice cream)
Hot Spring Water (Apparently it smells/tastes like farts so who would want to eat it?)
Squid Ink
Dracula Cool Mint
July 21, 2008 9:21 PM
Lightning and her cohorts
So I decided to take a deeper look into the characters of the new Final Fantasy game to see if I could figure out their names yet. I've failed so far at finding any names for the supporting 2 characters but I have found some info about them.
Name: Codename Lightning (Real name unknown)
Weapon: Gunblade
Fight Style: She has buttons on her index finger and thumb that allow her to control gravity. This enables her to flip through the air without a second thought. I think it's really cool that finally someone has a reason for being able to use "matrix-like" abilities.
Background: Apparently she has some sort of amnesia but may have been a past soldier due to the 2 yellow marks on her shoulder symbolizing her rank.
Name: Unknown
Weapon: Bow
Pet: She seems to have a scary little machine bird/badger from the video.
Background: She seems to be a forest person because that's where she is in the video when her badger friend comes out of a magical golden disc from space (Seem familiar Beast Wars fans?). The fact that her main weapon is a bow also goes along with this theory.
Name: Unknown
Weapon: Rifle
Background: There's not a lot known about this character so maybe he's meant to be mysterious similar to Auron from Final Fantasy X. Toriyama said something about his relationship with Lightning being complicated so to me that could mean love interest, rival or just maybe a friend.
Story: In Final Fantasy there's a space colony called Cocoon which is home to millions of people. Also, there is a place called Pulse located outside Cocoon that the residents of Cocoon are afraid of. They also believe that anyone from Pulse is part of a plot to invade Cocoon. Wow paranoid. There are crystals that protect Cocoon that may be similar to the auracite of the Final Fantasy Revenant Wings ds game. These crystals allow the people to summon machines(possibly like machina from X) and creatures(maybe like the espers in Revenant Wings).
I'd just like to comment that I love the 2nd girls pigtails. Super cute lol. I really want that gunblade as well. Also I think the guy will be like Auron in thinking that he's a total badass without a need for anyone's help but his own.
Edit: Before I forget look at this amazing video!
5:05 PM
Cool shirts :)
So I found these really cool shirts on threadless. I especially love this fake Loch Ness one cuz I've actually been there and took a rock :). The impossible love one is just cute because it's kinda sad :(. I find it odd how threadless does their posing with people in the pictures cuz usually the scene behind them seems a little too weird to be real life. Whatever works for you I guess :).
12:30 PM
Facebook isn't a whore like Myspace!
So today Facebook launches its a new look. It's supposed to make tabs of each users' page so that if you're looking for something specific like a picture or just some info, you can easily pick it out. I'm really excited about this because I hate going to people's profiles to see something they just loaded and having to search through a pile of application feed or just a pile of applications. Some people's pages are just too long because of them.
Also, Facebook is finally going to do something about obnoxious applications. Personally I only have a few but when I go to some of my friend's sites it's just annoying to sift through it all. Hopefully it gives us options of not having to sign over our souls to each developer as well. *crosses fingers*
Edit: This is the new facebook link.
July 20, 2008 7:19 PM
Where oh where is the Harry Potter Teaser?
Ok so when there was a Harry Potter marathon at my house today I remembered that movie 6 should be coming out soon. I started looking up trailers and kept coming up with those STUPID fake ones that people waste their time with by combining the previous movies sounds and clips. Those really really bug me. I mean why bother?
But anyways I found a few articles saying that the 15s teaser was supposed to be before The Dark Knight movie on Friday but apparently it wasn't. Now it's supposedly before that c.g. Star Wars movie (bleh). But I did find a kind cool pic of the D.A. Also I found this hilarious picture of Luna Lovegood in specter specs.
Edit: I lied! I finally found this "teaser" that certainly didn't show when I saw the batman movie but oh well. If you can't hear it (cuz it took me a couple listens to) it says "Once again, I must ask too much of you Harry." How clever... O_o
July 19, 2008 4:21 PM
G33k B33r...tasty

I'm also eating some yummy Hello Panda strawberry filled panda cookies.
12:14 AM
Dunna dunna dunna dunna BATMAN!!!
Edit: I'd like to ask all of you who are finding this on search engines. What search engine do you use?
Post it in the comments...thanks :D
In honor of Batman The Dark Knight coming out today...I'm gonna post some stuff about my favorite Batman show, Batman Beyond. The Dark Knight was an amazing movie, even though it was preempted by a preview for some dorky DC thing called Watchmen.
Uhm here is Terry...(the successor to Batman sometime in the future) fighting Spiderwoman.
Here he is again fighting some electrodude [Edit: Actually Derek Powers, not electric but radioactive and the man responsible for killing Terry's father. I was rewatching the series and realized this.]. It's a cool looking pic though.