November 5, 2008 5:38 PM

Robots in Disguise

There's a rumor going around that Isabel Lucas (who's playing a girl named Alice in the next Transformers movie) is going to be a Pretender.  As much as that might seem initially cool, it'll just turn Transformers into another Terminator movie (we don't need any more Terminator stuff seeing as how there's a new movie coming out in 2009 and the Sarah Connor Chronicles is already on Fox.)  That and the fact that Isabel is supposed to have "an arm that transforms into an energy weapon, a long tongue, and a scanning tenticle"-TFW2005 means that something slutty between her and Megan Fox is probably going to happen *shudder*.
I also think it's so stupid to have the Transformers be so big and then have Pretenders, which are obviously as small an anorexic girl :P . The only reason I could possibly think of for having a Transformer that small would be to make them a spy. I'd still think that a Pretender would be incredibly weak against the normal Transformers though. It's doubtful that the whole spy factor would be worth the risk of getting totally owned by the other Transformers. There would definitely have to be multiple Pretenders to make them even the slightest bit useful. Another thing, wouldn't Sam and Mikaela notice that Alice doesn't eat food or that she had a huge tongue? I mean I understand that they're not that bright, but still. Those kinds of things are pretty hard to miss.

Hopefully this rumor isn't true. Hopefully this picture is just some of the footage from the new Terminator movie. That would make the most sense. Either that or Michael Bay is being really dumb.

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