November 12, 2008 2:46 PM

It's like being Spiderman if he was an asian girl...

mirrors-edgeSo I played the Mirror's Edge demo on the Xbox 360 the other day and it's pretty great. I'd like to start by saying that every Spiderman game ever made should just look at how this game works and realize they fail at life. At least from what I've seen of them, most have a lot of fighting on the street and not so much roof hopping or web slinging. Anyway, so the Mirror's Edge demo starts out with some roof hopping training with you playing as Faith (the Asian girl who's the main character) and you follow around another girl called Celeste. You and Celeste are both runners who run around avoiding the cops and deliver packages to different parts of the city. I'm pretty sure the packages are of a serious nature seeing as how in the end of the demo cops are chasing you and trying to gun you down. Also, I'm not sure whether you're stealing these packages are merely delivering them from secret agency to secret agency.

The basic controls of the game are pretty strange compared to normal controls but it makes sense as you get into the game. For instance, to jump you push the Left Bumper vs. the usual A button but it works well when you want to use the Left Trigger to crouch down in order to roll or slide under beams when you land. The Left Stick controls which direction you run and you use the Right Stick later on to balance when you're walking across beams. I kinda suck at the balancing part seeing as how I died like 3 times each time it came to that (By the way if you don't like the sounds of someone falling to their death, you might not want to play this game. You make a lovely squish/crunching noise when you hit the ground haha). A lot of the action involves running and jumping of course but it's not all straight forward. You can run straight at a wall in order to run on the wall, which lets you get a better angle to jump up higher (that and it's really cool to run on walls, I mean come on who wouldn't want to do that?). You can also shimmy up polls and slide down ziplines by jumping onto them.

This game isn't all running away and no action though. In the demo cops start shooting at you for no reason, which makes you wonder what your job is really about. Anyway, when the cops (or anyone shooting at you) show up you can disarm them by hitting your Y button and steal their gun. You have to hit Y at just the right time though, otherwise you fail to steal it from them. If you really suck at disarming people you can slow down time for a few seconds (and go all Matrix style on people) using the X button. This is really cool and I'm kind of wondering whether or not it will be unlimited in the final version of the game or whether it needs to be charged up. It seems like it'd be a little overpowered if you could use it whenever you wanted.

Anyway this game is really fun and you should definitely try to play the demo if you can. It seems like it will have a lot of playability as long as the levels don't get ridiculously complex and annoying.

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